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Welcome to Where Writers Learn. Here you'll find free writing lessons and other resources for aspiring creative writers, as well as those who must write for work or school.


Teaching writing is my passion--I've been doing it for over thirty years, in classes, workshops, and private coaching sessions. During those years, I've thought long and hard about how writing can best be taught.


Eventually I developed an innovative approach that benefits both beginners and more experienced writers. I call this approach "The Mastery Path for Writers." It's supported by cutting-edge research done by Professor Anders K. Ericsson and his colleagues, who study how certain people get really good at what they do.


The Mastery Path approach is simple, but not easy. It's the same learning method used by top athletes and musicians to build their skills—dedication to practice.


In the lessons you'll learn, first, how The Mastery Path approach works; then you'll discover the skills writers must have; and then you'll find practices designed to help you build those skills.


The lessons follow the order I would use in a workshop, but you can certainly find your own way through them. Use the table of contents on the left-hand side of the Lessons page.


The Mastery Path requires commitment and self-discipline. At the same time, it's energizing and exhilarating--because there's nothing more satisfying than mastering new skills. Walking the Mastery Path will take you a long way towards becoming the writer you want to be.


